Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Back at It!

So I finally have a break from school and have some time to work on some long abandoned knitting. I dug out the placemat that I started TWO YEARS ago! It's not even a hard pattern but I just didn't have time to work on it.

In other news....there's going to a new baby in our family. No, not me, but my cousin (who is like a sister to me). I'm working on a baby blanket for her and just finished a sweater. So far, I'm working in gender neutral colors but hopefully within the next month or so I'll be able to focus on one color! :-)

Pictures to come of the sweater as soon as my camera battery finishes charging.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

It's been awhile...

I just pulled up my blog to share my camper pattern with a group and realized it's been almost TWO YEARS since I've posted anything new. How is that possible? Well I blame school. I've started back to school full time for Nursing and it has consumed basically all of my time. Between that and the kids being busier and busier, knitting got shifted to the back burner for a while. The time I used to spend knitting is now time I spend making flashcards and reviewing lecture notes. It will be worth it in the end but I certainly miss my knitting.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Preemie Hats

Here's a couple of quick pictures of some of the preemie hats I have been working on. I absolutely LOVE doing these! (Just not wild about making the pom-poms.) :)

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Still no pictures...

I'll have to hang my head in shame and admit I still haven't taken pictures of the last several projects I've completed. We've been having one of those crazy weeks at home and I just haven't had time to get a whole lot of anything done! Hopefully this weekend I can catch up.

I did get to go to Hobby Lobby this week and get some yarn for a hat and some new knitting needles. I was pretty excited. Hobby Lobby is a good hour away and I only go there about twice a year. My husband was less than thrilled ("there's NOTHING I like to look at here!") but all in all he was a good sport. Always fun to add to the stash!

And side note - working on updating the page with a fall theme. It's not quite there yet...

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Dishcloth Wraps

Since I used to be a MAJOR Paint Shop Pro fan I decided to do some messing around with that program tonight. First thing I did was update my header a bit. (Finally ditched the plain text - YAY!) Second, I made a handful of dishcloth wraps. Sample below...

Other than that, I see I have some picture taking to do. I have the Monthly Knit Along September Mid-Month cloth done (first time with cables!) and the October cloth almost finished. I also did a doll dress for my Sunday School baby and a pair of slippers for Hunter. Trick now might be FINDING the slippers. :)

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Blog Issues

My last few changes aren't showing up. Wondering if this will.

Edit...changes are finally starting to show up but only after stripping the blog back down to nothing and slowly rebuilding it section by section. Give me a day or two and it will have everything back. I hope. :)

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Fall Exchange

Opening day is finally here and MAN what a load of goodies! My partner was Kim and here's what she sent...

I thought the leaves were a very cool touch.

Everything wrapped up all nice and pretty.

And the loot! :)

Candy corn illusion cloth, Halloween notepad, Candy Corn, knitted candy corn, pumpkin key chain (kind of hiding by the knitted candy corn), candy corn candle, Halloween pencil and a BOO pumpkin.

The theme was:

Something orange: Candy corn candle, pumpkin key chain
Something boo: A pumpkin that says Boo on it, Halloween pencil, Halloween notepad
Something yummy: Bag of candy corn
And a Dishcloth too: A candy corn illusion cloth (and a knitted candy corn too!)

Thanks Kim! :) You rock!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Dishrag Tag

I received my box today and MAN was it filled with goodies! Much to my delight, there was a pair of Knit Picks circular needles in there. I have been admiring these needles for quite some time, so this really made my day.

Got my package sent off this afternoon. I've really enjoyed being a part of the Tag. Very fun to meet new people all over the country.

In other news, I haven't been doing as much knitting as I would like due to my broken finger. I had to go to an orthopedist on Monday. Found out the tendons in my finger are all messed up and I have to wear a splint for 6 weeks. Makes knitting rather tedious! Not to say I don't cheat and take it off every once in a while but I'm trying not to do that too much. I would rather have 6 weeks of less knitting than fingers that don't work when I'm older.

And totally non-knitting related...went to see Saving Abel, Shinedown and Buckcherry in Moline on Tuesday night. They were absolutely AMAZING! Saving Abel had a meet and greet after the show and I got their autograph and got to shake their hands. Very nice guys. Shinedown was very dark and goth and it was incredible. And of course Buckcherry rocked beyond all rock. Had a GREAT time!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Finger Update

Well two weeks later and my finger doesn't look a whole lot different than it did the night I broke it. Because of this, I have to go back to the hospital tomorrow and have another x-ray done. Oh joy.

Finished up my Monthly KAL. I have a sister that is a new school teacher, so this cloth will go to her. Took a few pictures of it last night but none turned out particularly well so I will take some more in the morning. I always seem to have better luck with morning light. :)

Update - picture of my MKAL September cloth.

And stitchmarkers made from Tina's tutorial at Love2Knit Dishcloths. My camera was being somewhat of a booger and trying to focus on the background rather than the stitchmarkers. Might mess around with it a bit more tonight.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Long Weekend = Knitting!

Enjoyed a nice long weekend. Wound up going camping Saturday through Monday with the kids. Mind you, we stayed with my parents and my Aunt so this was not camping so much as staying at a home away from home! They both have permanent campers in a beautiful campground in Northeast Iowa.

Did a dishcloth for my sister this weekend and finished up my Exchange cloth for my partner (Kim). Sent the box out Tuesday morning. I think that's the fastest I've ever gotten one out! :)

Went to the doctor last night and they switched splints. My finger still has a funky bend to it and still hurts like mad. Hopefully this will help!