Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Finger Update

Well two weeks later and my finger doesn't look a whole lot different than it did the night I broke it. Because of this, I have to go back to the hospital tomorrow and have another x-ray done. Oh joy.

Finished up my Monthly KAL. I have a sister that is a new school teacher, so this cloth will go to her. Took a few pictures of it last night but none turned out particularly well so I will take some more in the morning. I always seem to have better luck with morning light. :)

Update - picture of my MKAL September cloth.

And stitchmarkers made from Tina's tutorial at Love2Knit Dishcloths. My camera was being somewhat of a booger and trying to focus on the background rather than the stitchmarkers. Might mess around with it a bit more tonight.


DawnK said...

Great job on the KAL. My purl stitches were too loose. I think I want to try it again. The stitch markers are pretty!

Sorry your finger is giving your trouble!

Aunt Kathy said...

I have got to get back into knitting the KALs I am missing out.

Those stitch markers are pretty