So Monday night my husband and I were playing Monkey in the Middle with Emily (keepaway). In our infinite wisdom, we were using a football rather than a nice, squishy ball. (Toby and I were actually playing catch with the football and Emily jumped in the middle - a pick up game of MITM was born). Anyway, Toby threw a pass to me and it hit the end of my finger just right...Instant pain. I stomped my foot, said a few choice words, then went to see my Mom since no one at my house was giving me any sympathy. (Rather hard to do since they were laughing at me).
Mom and I made a trip to the ER since at this point my finger was rapidly swelling and was bent at a rather interesting angle. Three x-rays and an hour later, the ER doc tells me it's not broken, it's not dislocated, it's merely jammed. I asked him "you sure?" He said "yep." Since he has the fancy medical degree, I didn't question him. Instead I went home clutching my Vicodin and ice pack and went to bed.
The next morning my finger was a lovely shade of purple and it was still quite swollen. I went to work and iced if off and on during the day and kept trying not to bump it since doing so caused near pants-wetting pain. At 4:30 my doctor's office called. With news. "The radiologist read your x-rays and your finger is broken." It took a lot of self-control to not drive to the ER and kick the doc in the knee. Went to my doctor's office and was placed in a beautiful silver splint wrapped with gauze. I get this wonder for two weeks.
Here's a picture of my finger. Day 4. Most of the swelling is gone but I still have a lovely bend to it. In this picture I am attempting to hold my finger straight. Didn't work out so well...
Doily #3
10 months ago